Sunday, 16 August 2020

I Will Pour Out My Spirit Upon All Flesh

My previous post from two days ago was a result of studying and understanding the meaning of John 8:7 "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone". Here's another scripture that has come to me today, it's from Peter's first sermon where he quotes the prophet Joel "I will pour My Spirit upon all flesh". I heard a voice recite this to me over and over again, then I found myself filling in the blanks so to speak by uttering the words that precede this in Peter's address "And in the last days". This prompted me to ask the Lord when this might be and with the fullness of His authority in a loud voice this answer came "Soon, very soon I will pour out My Spirit upon ALL flesh". This passage from Acts 2 is often the subject of a pulpit sermon and on the occasions that I have heard it preached the emphasis has been on how the Lord is going to work with His elect, the church. I have always looked at "All Flesh" as reference to all flesh within the body of Christ but the emphasis the Lord has given me is that He means literally ALL FLESH, believers and non-believers alike.

It's incredible to think how the Lord is moving even right now to enable His church through the increase of prophesy and vision (Acts 2:17) but when thinking of those who rebel against God or simply just don't believe in His existence, what will it be like when the Holy Spirit falls upon them? How will God deal with their disbelief? I pray that many will come to the Lord through an undeniable spiritual awakening, deep conviction and a rigorous shaking. To those who continue to deny His name then there will be casualties, in any case in the very last of days there will be a pouring out of the 7 bowls of judgement from the seven angels of the Lord (Rev: 16). This may seem to some, to still be a very distant event in the future of our world but when we stop to think of all the injustice we are witnessing now then we should be prepared for an unleashing of God's judgement at any time and for the sake of those who love Him, He will intervene and keep His own safe. Praise God.

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

It's time to Draw the Line

It's time to Draw the Line. This title has come as a result of the Lord speaking directly to me over the last few weeks about drawing a line, for it to to be as a back-stop, a point of not slipping back to old ways, old habits or reminisces of looking back to better times. The last point I believe comes so easily to those of an advancing older generation who will often say "It was better in my day". Although in some ways they may be right, to make a sweeping comment that generalises and compares today's generation with an idealistic yesterday generation is wrong and a sin before God. It is wrong because those words can form like a curse, for those who say and believe in such words, they are denying Christ our Saviour from bringing His blessing to this generation. We all need faith that our present generation can be a glorious generation that will dwell in the House of the Lord. We can pray this in for the sake of saving our nation, we need a Godly Generation and then our land will receive it's full blessing from the Lord with the later days being greater than the former days.

Yes, I believe that now is the time to draw the line, on a personal level we can draw the line ourselves but concerning the spiritual welfare of our land I have had a vision of seeing the line being drawn by Christ's own finger tracing through the dust. This vision has come to me repeatedly over the last few weeks accompanied with the words "He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her." I thought about the woman caught in adultery who was about to be stoned and how Christ stepped in and spoke those words to her accuser's after first scribing with His finger in the dust upon the ground. I believe that was the moment Christ was communicating with Father God in heaven, where Father and Son agreed for divine grace to be actioned upon the afflicted woman. Seeing this vision I was able to see how this might relate to the part of the church in the UK that is dead (NOT the TRUE CHURCH) that it needs desperately reviving after it's own time of adultery, pampering to the ways of the world rather than guiding sinners to the cross and the Salvation of our Lord. What I saw in my vision was the hand of Christ writing those same mysterious words in the dust but then underlining those words with one final single stroke of His finger. I then questioned the Lord and said to Him, Lord that's different from the bible account as there is no mention of you underlining whatever you scribed in the dust. He answered me and said "That was then but this is now, what you have witnessed on this very day is my writing in the spiritually parched desert dust of the UK. I, with the Fathers consent have underlined as an acting covenant with the UK, that God the Father will receive back His prodigal church after it confesses and agrees to sin no more". When repentance of the church has been made then we can expect to see an inner working of God's Holy Spirit move through all sectors of our society and most importantly with the leaders of our nation. 

In all of this I have felt the Lord ask of me to draw my own line, not to blog from now on anything that isn't directly focussed towards the year 2022. I admit that up until now I have on occasions made a personal comment concerning a news item that is current at the time. On reflection some of my older posts may be out of context of what this blog site should be all about, and that is to report God's messages in vision and the prophetic concerning preparation as a nation for His move of power around 2022 onwards. I recognise that I have to humble myself as John the Baptist did in proclaiming the need to diminish in our own works in order for the Lord to increase. This is all to honour the name of Jesus, and so I will draw that line and endeavour to pass on only what He imparts for me to share with the body of Christ. Thank you Lord and precious Saviour.


Today, a significant day for PW33

TODAYS DATE 22/11 (or - 11/22) The original text for this blog has been withdrawn temporarily