My previous post from two days ago was a result of studying and understanding the meaning of John 8:7 "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone". Here's another scripture that has come to me today, it's from Peter's first sermon where he quotes the prophet Joel "I will pour My Spirit upon all flesh". I heard a voice recite this to me over and over again, then I found myself filling in the blanks so to speak by uttering the words that precede this in Peter's address "And in the last days". This prompted me to ask the Lord when this might be and with the fullness of His authority in a loud voice this answer came "Soon, very soon I will pour out My Spirit upon ALL flesh". This passage from Acts 2 is often the subject of a pulpit sermon and on the occasions that I have heard it preached the emphasis has been on how the Lord is going to work with His elect, the church. I have always looked at "All Flesh" as reference to all flesh within the body of Christ but the emphasis the Lord has given me is that He means literally ALL FLESH, believers and non-believers alike.
It's incredible to think how the Lord is moving even right now to enable His church through the increase of prophesy and vision (Acts 2:17) but when thinking of those who rebel against God or simply just don't believe in His existence, what will it be like when the Holy Spirit falls upon them? How will God deal with their disbelief? I pray that many will come to the Lord through an undeniable spiritual awakening, deep conviction and a rigorous shaking. To those who continue to deny His name then there will be casualties, in any case in the very last of days there will be a pouring out of the 7 bowls of judgement from the seven angels of the Lord (Rev: 16). This may seem to some, to still be a very distant event in the future of our world but when we stop to think of all the injustice we are witnessing now then we should be prepared for an unleashing of God's judgement at any time and for the sake of those who love Him, He will intervene and keep His own safe. Praise God.