PUK22 ARCHIVED - 3 Years of Preparation - Useful Links

The final day of my Manchester to London walk on 22/09/2018 was a hugely special and significant period for me in hearing the Lord's voice for London and the UK. Much was received and I have shared all of what I was given in vision and prophetic word here at Prophecy UK 22. There was one command the Lord gave me during this period, just before I arrived in London that has been of great importance to me personally, this being His calling for what He wanted me to do for the next 3 and a half years. He gave me an Isaiah calling based on Isaiah 20 to Pray, Intercede and preach on a word of warning for the Nation of Britain. As I was hearing this, I was continually fed with the reassurance that others would also receive a similar message of the three years that Britain has to prepare before God will bring about a fulfilment of His judgement. If His church has done everything it can then this will be a time of great favour and blessing with an outpouring of His spirit upon Millions. A massive revival is a reality but we have to pray it in! If there is any lack of unity and seriousness from the church concerning the welfare of our nation at this time then we are in danger of realising a judgement against us. Church, we MUST UNITE and FIGHT for the SPIRITUAL WELFARE OF OUR LAND.

Concerning the 3 year period revealed to me, I have had
two confirmations of this. Just as the Lord had told me, He would bring others with a similar message concerning the 3 year period leading up to 2022, they are listed below with links: 

The 3 Year Confirmation
Around 5 weeks after my prayer walk in London Chuck Pierce spoke at the London Awaken Conference on October 30th 2018. Right at the end of his video in the last few minutes of a 50 minute talk Chuck tells us that the Lord is saying IN THREE YEARS GODS GLORY WILL COME TO LONDON AND THE UK.

My second confirmation came from Veronika West in August this year who again says that by the year 2022 we will see God's spirit unlocking upon the land. Each year from 2019 to 2021 will have it's own sign and purpose a THREE YEAR PERIOD of preparation for a major visitation from the Lord!


Chuck Pierce - London Awaken Conference 30/10/18

Veronica West  - blog posting 8/8/2019

If you know of any others, please let me know by commentating below then I can add them if appropriate to the list here. Thank you


  1. Thank you Geoff for reading one of my earliest posts here. This year is significant and I look forward to the opportunity of hearing and sharing more with you in due course. God bless. Theo


Today, a significant day for PW33

TODAYS DATE 22/11 (or - 11/22) The original text for this blog has been withdrawn temporarily