Today marks the third anniversary of Prophecy UK 22. 2022 is the year for which this blog from the start has had focus and vision for. Three years ago the Lord showed me that 2022 would be the key year in which His spirit would begin to move across the UK in a way that we have not seen and witnessed for a very long time. The very nature of His movement was not revealed to me, but what I, nor anybody else knew at the time was that we would have the world wide pandemic of Covid 19. It is likely therefore as we struggle through on the other side of this devastating virus that many will find a reason to seek the Lord, to find faith in their God and creator, in desperation to cry out to His Holy name. On the flip side of this of course will be many others who's hearts are hardened against God with the age old argument that if God really exists, then why has He allowed this to happen. With such a divide amazing things can begin to work their way through when we, who believe in Christ begin to pray fervently for our lost family members and friends. It is the pride, arrogance and greed of selfish ideals that holds the UK or any other nation back from receiving the Lord's full blessing. This cultural sickness must be broken and until it is we will continue to struggle against God's judgement.
Over the three years that I have been blogging there have been many words given in warning. God has been cautioning those who are in positions of leadership, both in the church and through the various governing bodies of our nation. As yet their seems to be little change of heart but God's charge first falls on His church, when we can see the sin that remains in our own assemblies then we must address this and repent before the Lord. How can we have hope for our nation when we can't even keep our own house in order, as the scripture says "First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye" (Matt 7:3).
Understanding God's timing is difficult but I do feel the Holy Spirit has been encouraging me to share with all believers to look at an 11 year time scale from now in 2022 to 2033, this is when we need to strive and keep up our part in the harvest of souls. If we succeed in doing this then we can expect to see a steady growth in revival culminating in The Grand Awakening around the year 2033, a special year marking the millennial anniversary of Christ's crucifixion, burial and Resurrection! Personally I don't think that this would be the time of Christ's second coming but how wonderful it would be to live long enough to witness The Greatest Awakening ever. Praise God!
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