Today I received 3 visions all of which are fast forwarded to around 2030. Some of these are visions for the good and others are to be weary and watchful over as the intent of the enemy is secretly at work, please intercede in prayer over all I share with you today. Thank you.
Vision 1 - Church of England Splits.
In this, the first of the 3 visions I saw a completely divided church of England. One entity endeavours to be pure and undefiled, adhering to all biblical teaching, the other will desire to be completely subservient to the state. The later will be completely content with the rituals, splendour and pageant of a ceremonial church, similar to what we have witnessed in the recent Coronation of King Charles III. In the vision I could not see whether a Royal was presiding over this state church or whether it was completely controlled by the Government. This brings into question whether we will still have a monarchy in a decades time. The sadness is we don't have to wait all those years ahead to see where the Church of England is going, it is beginning to happen right now.
There is a worldwide movement for Anglican churches in all countries to participate in voting over essential church issues. The Global Anglican Fellowship (GAF) hold frequent meetings and this year after talks at Kigali in Rwanda, a landmark majority came out in favour of condemning the blessings in marriage of same sex couples. This has created such a stir with GAF members who feel that a divorce with the C of E is inevitable due to their pro LGBT stance. Feelings about this are running so high that GAF members against this liberal progression within the Church of England are now refusing to share with C of E Bishops at the communion table.
My concern is that GAF will tar with the same brush all Anglicans within the C of E. In actual fact there is a strong number within the C of E who are also against the decisions of bishops for advancement in favour of gay/same sex marriages, they too long for a purer church.
Please join me in prayer that the Church of England really looks into itself deeply, taking time to reflect spiritually without interference of church politics getting in the way. I pray that those bishops who have put pride before God's purpose, that they bend in repentance, and I pray that the C of E will move towards restoration and unity. The richness of God's blessing over the centuries for the Church of England should carry over intact for today's generation, I do so hope that restoration will happen and the vision of a split church I received is taken as a warning, that through prayer a split can be averted.
Additional update on this vision from T.E.