Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Triple Vision for around 2030 - Vision 2 Global Conservation


Christian Activists and Scientists to take a Lead Role in all Environmental Matters

In my second vision I saw a strong and growing emergence of Christians who from 2030 onwards will lead in bringing in new innovation helping towards preserving everything here on God's earth. Climate change and net zero carbon target dates are becoming hot subjects with our younger generation who care a lot more about what happens to this planet than many Christians. There is an opinion and teaching within some churches that we don't have to worry about these things, that God's in control of nature and the adverse weather systems. When the extremity of these conditions cause disaster and human misery then these same voices say that it must be God's judgement on mankind. Another more scientifically based argument suggests that if the human race did not exist, and therefore man-made pollution was non existent, then this planet would still be going through it's present cycle of climate change.

For myself, when I turn to the bible I see many examples of how we should be good custodians of everything here on the earth that God has given us, we should strive to preserve and conserve, not to exploit and destroy. Those are my own thoughts but let's continue with the vision. . . . .

I saw a stumbling block where the science of man came to a stand still, progress was slow and the threat of a seemingly dying world was ever present, and then, a younger generation of scientists, children of God sought to pray for a breakthrough. With fresh, heavenly inspiration, one by one all problems were solved. An awareness of an involvement not by man alone but of God fell among the community of research scientists. Many recognised that the impossible made possible was an act of God and believed in the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Additional update on this vision from T.E.

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