Thursday, 21 February 2019

A Warning for London - 22/09/2018

This is a prophetic vision the Lord gave me when I prayer walked in London on September 22nd 2018. It is linked with His given word that I received on the same day, please read if you have not already done so, the post - Great Britain How Great You Are - Great Before Many Nations.

The following vision(s) came in three locations all by the River Thames, 1) Chiswick, 2) The City of London viewed from the Millennium Bridge and 3) The Royal Observatory at Greenwich.

Each vision was like watching a movie scene, a silent movie with no commentary and lasting for just a few seconds at a time.

Vision 1 - Chiswick  Severe flooding of the River Thames, there may be no loss of life but many would become homeless and displaced.

Vision 2 - The City of London   I saw a huge fire ball about to land in the area of Saint Paul's Cathedral and then there was a blank in my vision, I didn't see the direct hit but instead fast-forwarded to the immediate aftermath of the smoldering rubble of the city's 3rd. Great Fire. The London Stock Exchange, St. Paul's, The Bank of England all totally destroyed.

Vision 3 - Greenwich  Standing by the Royal Observatory that is elevated on a mound above the River Thames I could see the full extent of all the flooding across the City. Thousands were escaping and congregating around the high place there at the observatory, seeking high ground and crying out to God Almighty. In the vision I could see flood waters rising up to around 30 meters, the best part of the hill where the observatory stands.

Please Note:  When I first received these visions I did think that they were a picture of what might happen in a single day, the floods and fire all happening together. Recently I have sensed The Holy Spirit show me that they are different events spaced out over a period of several months, even a year or two. If the UK does not yield to God's warning then He will allow each devastation to happen until we do fully repent. Each vision represents a different level of action God will take until we fall on our knees and plead before Him. This incremental pressure that God might apply is so much like the 10 plagues suffered by Egypt in the time of Moses (Exo 7:14 to Exo 12:36). Also, the apocalyptic pouring out of the 7 bowls of judgement by the 7 angels (Rev 16: 1-21)

If this sounds too much like the Doom and Gloom that you have heard before then think again, God has the authority to unleash his wrath upon a nation at any time. Britain is in a place where it is denying God and His righteous ways, every year more law is passed that is sinful and a disgrace before the Lord. The social climate is so liberal that most people see it perfectly ok to do what ever they like without a moment's consideration for their maker and creator, to ask Him for guidance to desire all things that please Him. The full wrath of God will soon be upon our nation unless we repent because we continually choose to ignore Him. These events that I have seen for London in a vision are to warn us. I was so deeply in shock by all I received in vision and word from the Lord on that day in September that I have not been able to talk about it until now. This picture of destruction was not an enemy invasion as in a nuclear attack, the fire ball for instance was just that, an arrival from the cosmic, natural or better put "An Act of God''.

None of this need happen, God could stay His hand and calamity can be avoided if our nation repents. God is gracious and He is giving us time, but not much time.

Theo's Appeal

Please may I ask all Christians everywhere, not just in the UK but throughout the world, to pray unceasingly for the nation of Britain. We are at a crisis point and must put our own house in order to avoid the calamity of God's full wrath. Please pray that strong Christian leaders are raised up in all areas of our society, that we do follow the commands of our Lord Jesus Christ, that once again we send out a flood of missionaries to the world as we turn back to being a truly Christian nation.

1 comment:

  1. Little did I know when I received the vision of a fire ball above St. Paul's Cathedral that Paris would face part destruction in the fire and collapse of the spire at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris on 15 April 2019. Perhaps we should take this as a further warning of what could happen with our own iconic Cathedrals and treasured historic buildings, what happens when nations worship the structure of historic places of worship more than God Himself?


Today, a significant day for PW33

TODAYS DATE 22/11 (or - 11/22) The original text for this blog has been withdrawn temporarily