Sunday, 10 February 2019

Great Britain, How Great You Are – Great Before Many Nations.

The following word was given to me in London on September 22nd 2018, I have not shared it previously until today. It is of utmost importance that this word is distributed far and wide, please share with others. Thank you

Great Britain, how great you are – great before many nations, yes I agree says the Lord, great that is in your transgression says the Lord.

Too many of your prominent institutions in society are corrupt to the core, corrupt in going against Me and blaspheming My name, barely one can I find that is anywhere near righteous and worthy of it's place and position. There is a stench in my house of what you bring in that does not belong, allowing other worldly doctrines, philosophies, ideologies and belief systems to mingle in with the truth of the Holy Bible. The Christian faith once a foundation stone in your nations history now embarrasses you, that you scorn it and subdue it in favour of a "fairer" approach in your quest to embrace other faiths that are not of me. Oh church what is happening to this nation that I still consider mine, for when the Master returns, will my church honestly be able to say that they have stewarded well? If I were to call the nations to come before me this day then Britain, you would be among those who would cast your crown before me (see foot note) only to have it rejected and cast back for having failed the refiners fire. Not refined enough says the Lord, and yet there is hope, for I know there is a remnant, a true church in Britain of those who are faithful to me.

Seek me now whilst you can, pray earnestly for your nations spiritual strength, then, I will bring about a day when I will call on my trusted ones to build me new churches in every town in Britain. These new churches will have seating capacity for a multitude of worshippers and will be called Temple Churches, no more will you hear whispers of dwindling church attendance, there will be a filling that overflows of those hungry to hear my word. These churches shall be built specifically for pure worship, they must not be hired out to non-believers to party and revel in. I demand all activity to be in praise and worship of me, do not allow non-believers to leave their stamp of indecency adorned upon the inner walls of my sanctuary. Let all who come know that they are in a Holy place and come with reverence to meet me in the new places of worship you will build for me. Heads and rulers of church and nation must confess their sins and corruptness before me, only then after repentance can I begin to move among my beloved. Have faith for the times ahead, be glad when this time comes, for not one of your sons or daughters will have reason to say that there is no work, that they have no employment. When the signs of revival come they should prepare to train and enter into the building trades, I desire for my children to build me these sanctuaries of worship, there will be work for all and it will be unceasing until the day of my return.

I am leading Britain away from the grips of Europe to be separated out. Once again as in the time of your forefathers Britain, lead by example as you spread my word among the nations. I expect you to stand before me in that coming day strong and righteous, and to cast your crown before me knowing that you have done everything you can to make yourselves wholly acceptable to me. I will bless you Britain according to your works.

Foot Note: Revelation 4:10-11 describes the casting of crowns before God's throne. The bible warns us that if we bring anything to Him that's less than righteous, that it will be rejected, see Jer 6:30 and Hos 9:17.

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Today, a significant day for PW33

TODAYS DATE 22/11 (or - 11/22) The original text for this blog has been withdrawn temporarily