Sunday, 6 December 2020

Hope for all Nations - Restoration after Repentance

I have not posted a blog here for well over 2 months, the longest period of silence on my part since the start of Prophecy UK 22. So what's happened, have I walked any less close to God these days? I hope not and no, I don't think so and what I have endeavoured to do is to double check in my listening before proclaiming "Thus says The Lord". I believe during my quiet period  I have been placed in the wings so to speak, learning to be patient and to wait upon the Lord. 

I was getting used to this silence when unexpectedly, a vision of God in Heaven came to me, not that I saw Him but in the spirit I sensed His presence. I felt His intense anguish as He looked upon the sinful ways of the nations here on Earth. He remained silent, dismayed and longing for many nations to repent and turn back to Him, but it wasn't happening and then the vision stopped. I had not heard any audible voice speak directly to me but I was hopeful that God would reveal the reason of His anguish through His written word. A day or so later the following scripture really began to speak out to me: John 7:7 "The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify about it that its works are evil". At this present time of our world suffering with the Covid 19 pandemic, it won't be the prophets that are hated for the message they bring, but God himself. Perhaps like myself you may have heard people make remarks such as "If God is an all loving God, then how is it that He has allowed these things to happen". I believe it really grieves God to have to chastise the nations that continually refuse to honour His name. I am certain that God prior to this pandemic had given plenty of warning to the nations concerning their sinful ways, especially amongst leaders and those in position of authority. Right now we, the body of Christ need to pray for all those who govern the nations to have real insight of the righteous things of God, for them to search deeply and repent of any wayward direction they have taken against His will.

It's time I believe for all nations to take a health check, this could cover many aspects of a nations make up. Obviously the pandemic remains uppermost in everyones mind but what about the state of health and well being of any particular country's economics, politics, social welfare, environment and spiritual welfare. Please pray for the world wide church to unite under one voice and encourage all to come before our Lord Jesus, the Saviour of the World. Why shouldn't we expect to see billions on mass pleading to our heavenly Father, asking for forgiveness and His intervention to save our crippled world.

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Today, a significant day for PW33

TODAYS DATE 22/11 (or - 11/22) The original text for this blog has been withdrawn temporarily